Hit and Run (Armor Trait)

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Revision as of 02:48, 17 October 2023 by Zmeja (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Armor Trait |description = Each time you spend Action Points you receive up to +30% decaying Run Speed. Run speed bonus decays over 10 seconds. |notes = Effect starts out with 0. Called each time you get damage: <math>Effect = MIN(Effect + APCost, 100)</math> Called each 0.5 seconds: <math>Effect = MAX(Effect - 5, 0)</math> Called during Running: <math>Run Speed = -47 * (\frac{Effect}{100})^{0.5}</math> Maximum bonus is -47, which correlates to 30% incre...")
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Hit and Run (Armor Trait)


Hit and Run (Armor Trait) is a possible Armor Trait an armor can have.

Armor Trait Description

Each time you spend Action Points you receive up to +30% decaying Run Speed.

Run speed bonus decays over 10 seconds.

Important notes

Effect starts out with 0.

Called each time you get damage: Effect=MIN(Effect+APCost,100)

Called each 0.5 seconds: Effect=MAX(Effect5,0)

Called during Running: RunSpeed=47*(Effect100)0.5

Maximum bonus is -47, which correlates to 30% increased Run Speed when no other boosts are in effect.