Wakizashi Blade

From AoP Wiki


Wakizashi Blade is a possible Weapon your character can equip.

Wakizashi Blade
Tier 8
Hand-to-Hand Combat
A short finely crafted knife. The tip seems to be designed to pierce armor.
Strength Requirement 3
Clipsize {{{Weapon_MaxAmmoCount}}}
Reload AP Cost {{{Weapon_ReloadAp}}} AP
Weapon Aim Time {{{Weapon_AimTime}}} ms
Attack 1
Damage 65-75
Damagetype Normal
Rounds {{{Weapon_Round_0}}}
AP Cost 30
Range 3
Fire Rate 800
Inaccuracy 0
Spread 0
One-Hex 0
Attack 2
Damage 55-65
Damagetype Normal
Rounds {{{Weapon_Round_1}}}
AP Cost 20
Range 2
Fire Rate 600
Inaccuracy 0
Spread 0
One-Hex 0
ID: 19505
Weight: 700g
Weapon Traits
Silent Attack Attacks will not desneak.
Decreased DR -40% to target's Damage Resistance
SkillWeapon Perks
150Knockout Strike -10% Critical Strength for Knockouts
175Silent Death +50% damage in Sneak and attacking from behind
200Better Knockouts Knockouts last 0.6 seconds longer.
225Silent Death +50% damage in Sneak and attacking from behind
250Finisher +30% damage on targets with debuffs

Useable Ammo