M2 Flamethrower

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M2 Flamethrower is a possible Weapon your character can equip.

M2 Flamethrower
Tier 5
Big Guns
A very heavy and bulky flamethrower that only has a very limited capacity and expends what little fuel it has very quickly.
Strength Requirement 6
Clipsize 120
Reload AP Cost 150 AP
Weapon Aim Time 400 ms
Attack 1
Damage 50-60
Damagetype Fire
Rounds 12
AP Cost 30
Range 30
Fire Rate 600
Inaccuracy 0
Spread 0
One-Hex 0
ID: 18860
Weight: 20000g
Weapon Traits
Half Reload Reload 50% bullets at a time.
Linked Weapon Drops are converted into weapon jams.
Backpack Mount Occupies both main-hand and off-hand.
SkillWeapon Perks
150Bonus Rate of Fire -5% AP cost for shooting
175Bonus Damage +5% damage
200Bonus Rate of Fire -5% AP cost for shooting
225Bonus Damage +5% damage
250Bonus Rate of Fire -5% AP cost for shooting

Useable Ammo

Tier 3
A tank filled with napalm, incompatible with standard flamers.
Damage Resistance Mod -20%
Damage Threshold Mod 0%
Radius {{{Ammo_Radius}}} Hex
Bleed Strength {{{Weapon_BleedStr}}}%
Error Damage %
Error Damage %
Subshots {{{Ammo_SubShots}}}x
Ammo Spread {{{Weapon_Spread_0}}}
ID: 732
Weight: 100g