Armor Class

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Armor Class is comparable to Dodge in other games. Armor Class helps evade bullets.

Each 5 points of Armor Class decreases the enemies Hit Chance on you by 1%


Other Stats modifying Armor Class
Modifiers Armor Class
Kamikaze Forces you to have 0 Armor Class
Dodger +50
Flash Artifact +50
Armor Each Armor has its own Armor Class

It is important to note, that Armor Class only applies its full effect when running. If the character is walking, only 66% of your Armor Class take effect. When standing still, it is even less, with only 33% of your Armor Class working.

Movement modifier
Modifiers Armor Class
Running 100% Armor Class apply
Walking 66% Armor Class apply
Standing 33% Armor Class apply


Zmeja has a base (running) Armor Class of 81. A sniper aims at his right arm as Zmeja is standing. He has a hitchance of 87%. (Let's assume the 87% are with 0 Armor Class, even though Zmeja would have had some Armor Class normally in this situation). Zmeja now starts walking, and the Sniper shoots.

What happens in this situation? As Zmeja is walking, 66% of his Armor Class applies. 812*3 rounded down, Zmeja has 54 Armor Class. This means, that the Sniper has actually 87%545 rounded down, (87%-10%), so a 77% chance of hitting Zmeja.

The effect would have been stronger, if Zmeja would have ran, instead of just walking. Of course, more Armor Class would be beneficial as well!