Silenced Uzi

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Silenced Uzi is a possible Weapon your character can equip.

Silenced Uzi
Tier 6
Small Guns
An UZI witha silencer attached, perfect for undetected assassinations.
Strength Requirement 3
Clipsize 32
Reload AP Cost 30 AP
Weapon Aim Time 200 ms
Attack 1
Damage 19-23
Damagetype Normal
Rounds 1
AP Cost 16
Range 25
Fire Rate 400
Inaccuracy 0
Spread 0
One-Hex 0
Attack 2
Damage 19-23
Damagetype Normal
Rounds 6
AP Cost 24
Range 25
Fire Rate 600
Inaccuracy 0
Spread 5
One-Hex 0
ID: 19006
Weight: 3700g
Weapon Traits
Silent Attack Attacks will not desneak.
Spray and Pray Amount of bullets hit in a burst depends distance and Luck.
Double Tap AP+ Regeneration does not stop when shooting.
Moving Reload Reload weapon while moving.
SkillWeapon Perks
150Faster Reload -20% AP cost for reloading
175Bonus Rate of Fire -5% AP cost for shooting
200More Dakka +20% bullets in a burst
225Bonus Ranged Damage +2 damage on each bullet
250Silent Death +50% damage in Sneak and attacking from behind

Useable Ammo

Tier {{{Tier}}}
Ammunition. Caliber: 9mm.
Damage Resistance Mod 0%
Damage Threshold Mod 0%
Radius {{{Ammo_Radius}}} Hex
Bleed Strength {{{Weapon_BleedStr}}}%
Error Damage %
Error Damage %
Subshots {{{Ammo_SubShots}}}x
Ammo Spread {{{Weapon_Spread_0}}}
ID: 360
Weight: 12g
9mm ball
Tier 3
A collection of ancient 9x19mm rounds. Heavy grease to preserve them from the environment. Standard bullets.
Damage Resistance Mod -5%
Damage Threshold Mod 0%
Radius {{{Ammo_Radius}}} Hex
Bleed Strength 50%
Error Damage %
Error Damage %
Subshots {{{Ammo_SubShots}}}x
Ammo Spread {{{Weapon_Spread_0}}}
ID: 121
Weight: 7g
9x19mm JHP
Tier 6
A number of 9mm bullets, jacketed hollow points.
Damage Resistance Mod 10%
Damage Threshold Mod 0%
Radius {{{Ammo_Radius}}} Hex
Bleed Strength 120%
Normal Damage 120 %
Error Damage %
Subshots {{{Ammo_SubShots}}}x
Ammo Spread {{{Weapon_Spread_0}}}
ID: 706
Weight: 12g
9x19mm 7N14
Tier 6
A number of 9mm bullets, specially designed armor-piercing bullets.
Damage Resistance Mod -20%
Damage Threshold Mod -80%
Radius {{{Ammo_Radius}}} Hex
Bleed Strength 20%
Normal Damage 60 %
Error Damage %
Subshots {{{Ammo_SubShots}}}x
Ammo Spread {{{Weapon_Spread_0}}}
ID: 707
Weight: 9g