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Revision as of 00:00, 15 October 2023 by Zmeja (talk | contribs)

Criticals in Ashes of Phoenix are a very math-heavy mechanic.

Criticals can occur, when shooting a target with a single shot. Whether aimed or unaimed. Thus, Bursts, as well as things like Molotovs can not critically hit.

A critical can have a range of devastating effects. The simplest of its effect is the increased damage you will do. This allows Snipers to dish out damage, even though they are shooting only one bullet at a time, unlike Bursters, who do their damage by shooting a range of bullets towards the target.
Criticals can also cripple limbs. Apply Debuffing Status Effects. As well as apply a higher amount of Bleed Damage, together with its increase in direct damage.

Critical Chance

In order to land a critical hit on an enemy, a proper amount of Critical Chance is needed. In your Character Tab, you have 2 different kinds of Critical Chances. Your Base Critical Chance (short: BCC), as well as your Aimed Critical Chance (short: ACC). Your aimed critical chance will always be higher as your base critical chance, as the aimed critical chance value starts out with the base critical chance.

Base Critical Chance

Base Critical Chance is used to calculate your crit chance when performing unaimed shots. Unaimed Shots are always shots in the Torso.


Further Stats modifying Base Critical Chance
Stat BCC Change
Finesse +10%
Living Anatomy +3%
Steady -10%
Blood Moon +20%
More Crits +10% per More Crits perk on your Weapon.

Aimed Critical Chance

Aimed Critical Chance is used to calculate your crit chance when performing aimed shots, apart from the Torso. This means, shots in the legs, arms, groin, head and eyes use your aimed critical chance.



Crippling Limbs