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Revision as of 14:41, 18 October 2023 by Zmeja (talk | contribs)

Bleed is a Status Effect, that is applied on most attacks in Ashes of Phoenix. It is effectively a Damage over Time effect, that delays some of the damage you take, though it can be quickened / slowed with Bleed Resistance, as well as entirely healed with skills like Doctor or usage of items like Bandage (Item) and Tourniquet.


When a damage instance has bleed damage as an effect, it will apply to the target. Each time you receive bleed, it will increase the bleed debuff on your character. This bleed debuff will slowly trickle down as damage into your actual hit points, until the debuff has emptied.

This means, that if you do nothing against your bleed, all of it will eventually be dealt as damage.


Let's say, Zmeja has 300 Hit Points. In the first second Zmeja receives 100 damage, as well as 60 bleed damage. He now has 200 Hit Points and a Bleed debuff of 60. The Bleed debuffs slowly ticks down, after 5 seconds, it did 40 damage, so 20 bleed damage remains. This puts Zmeja at 160 Hit Points, as well as a 20 bleed debuff that has not yet been converted to damage. Now Zmeja receives another shot, with the same 100 damage, as well as 60 bleed damage. He now has 60 Hit Points and a Bleed debuff of 80. If Zmeja will not heal himself up, or remove some of the bleed, he will fall unconscious due to going into negative HP!

Bleed Resistance

Your Resistance to Bleed dictates how long it takes for the bleed damage to apply to your HP. The more resistance you have, the longer it takes for that damage to affect your HP. (Resistance thus slows the damage, it does NOT remove the damage per se.)


Bleed Resistance Calculator
Further Stats modifying Bleed Resistance
Stat Bleed Resistance Change
Improved Hemostasis +20
Fast Metabolism -20
Mentats (Drug) -10
Blood Moon (Drug) -20
Psycho (Drug) -10

Formula for calculating how much % of bleed is converted into actual damage every second: