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Created Weapon
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* can deal extreme single target damage
* very random damage
* small magazine

Latest revision as of 18:32, 21 February 2025


Electro Rifle is a possible Weapon your character can equip.

Positive Negative
  • can deal extreme single target damage
  • very random damage
  • small magazine

Electro Rifle
Tier 9
Energy Weapons
This weapon fires a small bolt of plasma which is infused with eletrical energy, being the main source of the damage.
Strength Requirement 6
Clipsize 3
Reload AP Cost 60 AP
Weapon Aim Time 400 ms
Attack 1
Damage 20-200
Damagetype Electric
Rounds 1
AP Cost 40
Range 60
Fire Rate 800
Inaccuracy 0
Spread 0
One-Hex 0
ID: 19692
Weight: 5500g
Weapon Traits
AP Drain +20% chance to drain 10 AP from target.
AP Drain +20% chance to drain 10 AP from target.
AP Drain +20% chance to drain 10 AP from target.
SkillWeapon Perks
150Accurate +10% hitchance
175Bonus Damage +5% damage
200Faster Reload -20% AP cost for reloading
225Bonus Rate of Fire -5% AP cost for shooting
250Faster Reload -20% AP cost for reloading

Useable Ammo

Micro Fusion Cell
Tier 4
A medium sized energy production unit. Self-contained fusion plant.
Damage Resistance Mod 0%
Damage Threshold Mod 0%
Radius {{{Ammo_Radius}}} Hex
Bleed Strength {{{Weapon_BleedStr}}}%
Error Damage %
Error Damage %
Subshots {{{Ammo_SubShots}}}x
Ammo Spread {{{Weapon_Spread_0}}}
ID: 39
Weight: 50g
Rad Ammo
Tier {{{Tier}}}
A special type of ammunition used in the RAD smg.
Damage Resistance Mod -20%
Damage Threshold Mod 0%
Radius {{{Ammo_Radius}}} Hex
Bleed Strength {{{Weapon_BleedStr}}}%
Error Damage %
Error Damage %
Subshots {{{Ammo_SubShots}}}x
Ammo Spread {{{Weapon_Spread_0}}}
ID: 728
Weight: 35g